Hi, I'm Arief 👋

A Fullstack Developer and a Student. I like learning new things about technology and design, especially Web Development and UI/UX, and now i try to focus on learning JavaScript, React.js, and Tailwind CSS.

About Me

I'm a fullstack developer and also an active student in University of Sumatera Utara. I like something related to technology and design, especially Web Development and UI/UX. With the things that I like, I'm getting excited to develop my skills to be better and try new things to expand the knowledge that I have.

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Project 1


This website is the result of a major assignment for the Human-Computer Interaction course. This website is used for recording inventory and built with Laravel.

Project 1

Google Art Movement

The Google Art Movement website is the result of a major assignment for the Database Systems course. This website is a clone of the original website and built with Laravel.

Project 1

Personal Website

I will use this website as my portfolio. Going forward, I'm really excited to add more features. This website was built with Next.js, Typescript, and TailwindCSS.

Project 1

Interactive Comment Session

This website is the result of a Frontend Mentor Challenge. I did this challenge to improve my coding skills using React, especially how to use React Context.

Project 1

My Notes

This website is a submission for Dicoding class. I created this website to complete the "Belajar Membuat Aplikasi Web dengan React" class. This website was built with React.js.



If you interested to talk with me, please do reach me at one of my social media below. Thank you!